– 300 movies rated

Apmēram pirms nedēļas sasniedzu brīdi, kad biju novērtējis 300 filmas Tas nav daudz, bet nav arī maz. Ja to pārrēķinātu tīrā laikā, sanāktu, ka skatoties kino esmu pavadījis veselu mēnesi. Varētu šķist, ka tā ir diezgan liela laika izšķērdēšana, bet es to tā neuztveru. Uzskatu, ka filmas manī rosina domāšanu un jaunu ideju veidošanu.

Bet ko tad movielens var pateikt par maniem sniegtajiem vērtējumiem, kad esmu novērtējis 300 filmas?

The five least often rated movies that you’ve rated:

  1. Promise Me This (Zavet) (2007)
  2. My Life in Ruins (2009)
  3. Home (2009)
  4. American Virgin (2000)
  5. I Served the King of England (Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále) (2006)

The five most often rated movies that you have not rated:

  1. Jurassic Park (1993)
  2. Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope (1977)
  3. Fugitive, The (1993)
  4. Apollo 13 (1995)
  5. Batman (1989)

The five movies where your rating is lowest compared to the average rating:

  1. Terminator, The (1984)
    You: 1.0, avg: 3,9
  2. Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters) (1984)
    You: 1.0, avg: 3,7
  3. Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2006)
    You: 1.0, avg: 3,6
  4. School of Rock (2003)
    You: 1.0, avg: 3,5
  5. Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005)
    You: 1.0, avg: 3,5

The five movies where your rating is highest compared to the average rating:

  1. Children of the Corn (1984)
    You: 5.0, avg: 2,6
  2. Biker Boyz (2003)
    You: 4.5, avg: 2,1
  3. Thinner (1996)
    You: 5.0, avg: 2,7
  4. Beach, The (2000)
    You: 5.0, avg: 2,9
  5. Cat’s Eye (1985)
    You: 5.0, avg: 2,9

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